
Pineapple juice mri contrast
Pineapple juice mri contrast

(2008) Exocrine pancreatic function assessed by secretin cholangio-Wirsung magnetic resonance imaging. Semin Roentgenol 32(3):188–201Ĭalculli L, Pezzilli R, Fiscaletti M, et al. Soto JA, Barish MA, Ferrucci JT (1997) Magnetic resonance imaging of the bile ducts. (2000) Primary sclerosing cholangitis: evaluation with MR cholangiography-a case–control study. Radiology 207(1):21–32įulcher AS, Turner MA, Franklin KJ, et al. Radiology 200(1):85–89įulcher AS, Turner MA, Capps GW, Zfass AM, Baker KM (1998) Half-Fourier RARE MR cholangiopancreatography: experience in 300 subjects. (1996) Choledocholithiasis: comparison of MR cholangiography and endoscopic retrograde cholangiography. J Magn Reson Imaging 24(5):1095–1100Ĭhan YL, Chan AC, Lam WW, et al. (2006) Respiratory-triggered MRCP applying parallel acquisition techniques. J Clin Gastroenterol 38(10):887–890Īsbach P, Dewey M, Klessen C, et al. (2004) Magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography in obstructive jaundice. Vaishali MD, Agarwal AK, Upadhyaya DN, et al. (2001) Comparative study between magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography and endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography in the diagnosis of the pancreatic and biliary obstruction. (2007) Choledocholithiasis: repetitive thick-slab single-shot projection magnetic resonance cholangiopancreaticography versus endoscopic ultrasonography. Schmidt S, Chevallier P, Novellas S, et al. (1992) Biliary obstruction: evaluation with three-dimensional MR cholangiography. Morimoto K, Shimoi M, Shirakawa T, et al. Wallner BK, Schumacher KA, Weidenmaier W, Friedrich JM (1991) Dilated biliary tract: evaluation with MR cholangiography with a T2-weighted contrast-enhanced fast sequence. (1986) MR imaging of the dilated biliary tract. We suggest herein that the contrast agent pineapple juice with gadopentate dimeglumine constitutes an efficient negative oral contrast agent for MRCP, for it efficiently eliminates the signal of the digestive tube in MRCP images.ĭooms GC, Fisher MR, Higgins CB, et al. The ducts that showed the highest scores were the common bile duct and duct of Wirsung, the distal portion of the common bile duct and the cystic duct. The statistical analysis showed a significant difference between images before and after the use of the contrast agent ( P < 0.001) for the three radiologists (R1–R3).

pineapple juice mri contrast

Images obtained from six different areas of the biliary tree were analyzed by three different radiologists, who were blind to the exams scores regarding image quality were given to each area. Images were obtained before and after the intake of a negative oral contrast agent. We evaluated the efficacy of pineapple juice with gadopentetate dimeglumine as a negative oral contrast agent for magnetic resonance cholangiopancreatography (MRCP).

Pineapple juice mri contrast